My Heartbeat


Sunday, October 24, 2010

He...he...he...112th follower!

Aku tak tau la....nak kate ape. Masa aku mula berblogging ni on July 2008, aku tak pikir pun nak cari follower. Bagi aku mase tu....aku cuma nak menulis apa yg aku rase n ape yang jadi dalam idup aku. Yelah...supaya kengkawan aku yang aku benarkan masuk blog ni dapat update ape yg berlaku pada diri aku....sesuai dengan header aku....Myspace-Jumir.

Pastu dalam tahun ni....Cik Tips pun buat blog. Dia la yang ngajor aku macam2. Kalu ikutkan aku tak pandai sangat. Then...aku pun bukalah blog aku ni untuk public instead of keep privately.

Dan sat tadi....aku dah ada 112 followers. He3....aku memang suke dengan number 112 ni. So, aku decide to make a special n3 tribute to my 112th follower.

To Maryani dearie...

TQ so much for being my follower n hopefully....this number (112) will bring you luck as much as it bring good memories n luck to me. Since you are still a student (ikut profile)....I wish you'll pass with flying colours n may all your dreams will be come true. Do remember that the best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

All the best for dear n may Allah bless you always.


Mar Yanie said...

oh thanx so much!! baru je follow trus dpt contribution camni. tp sy lupe update profile.], br je abes belajar.. okay, jumir pun dh di tag. jum g page saya, berkenalan. jawab soalan..:D

Mar Yanie said... dh try drop comment kt sini 3x semalam. xtaw die send ke x..klu x send sorie ek.klu tersend byk2 sile delete..hee..btw thanx so much! rs terharu, br je follow trus dpt contribution camni..:D
sy pun ade tag jumir kat entry terbaru sy..tgk ye..nk kenal2 lg ngn jumir..:P

Jumir said...

He3....salam pkenalan gak kat awk. Sy set every comment needs to be moderated dulu before publish. Tu yang awk tk nampak tu. TQ ye....

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